Merton Court Hostel

Merton Living’s Merton Court Hostel is an aged-care residence that caters to older people and those with a disability needing some help with day-to-day activities. The hostel consists of 17 air-conditioned rooms with ensuites. General public areas include the dining room, a sunroom, recreation room, gardens, and a front porch.

Merton Court currently has no vacant beds.

Aged Care Eligibility

Anyone wishing to enter Merton Court Hostel must have been assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team as requiring care and have completed an Income and Means assessment from Centrelink. All referrals for an ACAT assessment in the community or in residential care are made through My Aged Care. Access the My Aged Care website, locate and click on the contact us link and complete the web based make a referral form or phone the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 FREE call.

Merton Court maintains a waiting list.  Potential new residents are selected based on need and suitability for care at a small hostel style facility.  Preference will be given, when vacancies arise, to residents of Denman or district or to relatives of residents of Denman or district.

Merton Court Hostel will assist anyone regardless of their financial circumstances.

The Hostel maintains a commitment to 40% of places for supported residents.

A low means resident is a full or part pensioner who has not owned their own home within the past two years and has assets less than a certain amount (currently $61,500 but this figure increases regularly).

These residents may be unable to pay a refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) however Merton Court will receive additional government assistance for these residents.

Personal Care Services Provided

Merton Court provides the following personal care for residents if required.

Assistance and supervision with bathing, showering, and personal hygiene.

Dressing, undressing, or grooming, including fitting any mobility or sensory communication aids.

Assistance with eating and drinking.

Assistance with mobility.

Assistance with toileting, maintaining continence, or managing incontinence.

Assistance with communication including difficulties arising from impaired hearing, sight, or speech.

Rehabilitation support including assistance with individual therapy programs aimed at restoring the resident’s ability to perform daily tasks.

Treatments or procedures endorsed by a health professional including assistance taking prescribed medication.

Individual attention and support for residents with dementia or other cognitive impairments and behavioural disorders.


Merton Court Hostel provides a number of activities for residents, including:

Bingo, hoi, and cards

Short car or bus trips to activities in Denman and district

Entertainment from musicians and poets

Art and craft

Special video screenings

Play up

Gentle exercise

Footy tipping



Aged Care Fees

Prospective residents must provide confirmation of aged-care fees from Centrelink before admission.

This is a basic overview only. Residents may be asked to make different types and amounts of payments depending on their individual circumstances. Applicants should discuss their specific circumstances with the hostel to determine how these fees and charges apply to them.

Most of the figures mentioned are indexed and subject to change. Please check with the hostel for current figures. Centrelink/DVA undertake income and asset assessments to determine a resident’s means-tested amount. Where a resident does not lodge an application to assess their means-tested amount it may result in them being charged the maximum care fee and accommodation payment amounts.

You can find more information on the means-tested care fee on the My Aged Care website and using the Residential Care Fee estimator.

Accommodation Pricing from 1 October 2024

New residents may be asked to pay a lump sum RAD. New residents may also choose a DAP instead of a lump sum. Or they may choose to pay a combination of lump sum RAD and DAP. New residents have 28 days to decide their form of payment. Until they make that decision, the default method of payment is the DAP. More information is available on the My Aged Care website.

Merton Court only charges a RAD or DAP if the resident can afford to pay. Merton Court has two (2) room prices. Maximum RAD for each room category follow.

Single-sized room with refurbished ensuite – $440,000. The equivalent DAP is $101.02. An example of a combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment using those figures is $220,000 lump sum (RAD) and $50.51 daily payment (DAP).

Double-sized room with a refurbished ensuite – $550,000. The equivalent DAP is $126.27. An example of a combination payment of 50% refundable deposit and 50% daily payment using those figures is $275,000 lump sum (RAD) and $63.14 daily payment (DAP).

The above pricing is subject to review and changes. It is intended as a guide only. The government reviews the MPIR quarterly. Any change to the MPIR impacts the DAP, but RAD pricing stays the same. The next review is due on 1 January 2025.

All new residents should seek independent financial advice before deciding a payment method for their aged-care accommodation. Fees are current as of 1 October 2024.

Daily Residential Fees

Residents must pay a daily care fee. For residents receiving a pension, this is 85% of the pension rate (currently $63.57 per day). New residents may be asked to pay a means-tested care fee if Centrelink assesses them as being able to afford to do so. Centrelink calculates this fee on assets and income assessment.

Fees must be paid at least fortnightly and in advance. We can arrange to directly transfer payment from the resident’s account to the hostel’s account on a fortnightly basis.

Low-means Residents

Merton Court Hostel will not seek fees from people who cannot afford a RAD or a daily accommodation payment (DAP). This will not affect their access to care.

The hostel is committed to maintaining 40% of places for those people who cannot afford a RAD or DAP. These residents are termed “low-means” residents and are those who receive a pension, have not owned their own home within the past two years, and who have assets of less than $61,500.

Supported Residents

Merton Court Hostel will also assist residents who only have a small amount of assets – between $61,500 and $206,039.20. The second asset threshold is $495,117.60. They must also be in receipt of a pension and not have owned their home for the past two years.


Resident’s Agreement

Each resident – or their authorised representative – must sign a resident’s agreement upon entering Merton Court Hostel.
This agreement states in more detail the rights and responsibilities of residents, specific details of the individual fees and charges that will apply, details of the care the hostel will provide, details on ending the agreement, and various other aspects of the relationship between Merton Court Hostel and the resident.
Before entering Merton Court Hostel, prospective residents must ensure they have a valid will. They must also advise Merton Court Hostel of any member of their family with power of attorney or authorised to act on their behalf, the executors of their estate, and where they keep valuable documents such as deeds and bank books.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Merton Court Hostel will ensure all personal information it gathers in relation to a resident’s financial situation, personal life, and healthcare is kept confidential.

Residents have access to any information the hostel keeps at any time. They should speak to the Manager if they wish to see their records.

Fire Sprinkler System

This facility installed a fire sprinkler system in accordance with the environmental planning and assessment regulation 2000.

Merton Court History

Merton Living Limited manages Merton Court Hostel on behalf of the community of Denman. A public meeting in December 1974 formed the Denman & District Retirement Centre Association, a non-profit organisation with the aim of providing residential care for elderly residents of the local community.

The formation of the Association and the subsequent building of Merton Court Hostel were the result of the initiative of the Denman Rotary Club, with support from the Denman Apex Club, other community groups, and the residents of Denman. The Association obtained money to build Merton Court from public fundraising, a Commonwealth grant, and assistance from Muswellbrook Shire Council.

We opened in 1982 as a 14-bed hostel with nine resident rooms. We added the Rose Wing in 1997, which increased the capacity by a further four rooms and allowed all residents to have a room of their own. It also provided facilities in which to care for residents with dementia.

In 2000, we gained approval to provide five Community Aged Care Packages, and in 2007 we added a further two rooms. The efforts of the Ladies Auxiliary are integral to the history of Merton Court. The group has raised extra funds for the hostel and been invaluable in assisting staff with resident activities.

In September 2016, Denman & District Retirement Centre Association Incorporated became Merton Living Limited, a company limited by guarantee. The community of Denman has always supported the Association. Merton Living now appreciates it has a commitment to ensuring it supports the local community through buying locally and employing local people where possible.


Accommodation is mainly single rooms with ensuite. Some double rooms enable couples to remain together.


“I have returned to paradise, after being in hospital and coming home to all the wonderful girls here, I feel like I’m at home"

“Brian loved the quality of the units and management and the friendship of the neighbours. Because of his own health problems, Brian needed a lot of help from the Merton Home Care service and is full of praise for the 'Merton Angels'."


Merton Court Hostel reaccredited!

On 20 April 2023, we achieved three years’ reaccreditation.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) notified Merton Living of its decision to reaccredit Merton Court Hostel for a further period of three years. The accreditation period will start on 18 April 2023 and expire on 18 April 2026.

Two assessors from ACQSC conducted a site audit from 21 to 23 February 2023. The team at Merton Court collaborated with the assessors to supply all evidence required to demonstrate our sound practices. The assessors also interviewed several residents and staff to evaluate our systems. Merton Court has a sound history of compliance, which also influenced the decision to reaccredit the service.

The Board and management would like to congratulate and thank our hard-working and dedicated staff for this achievement. We would also like to thank our wonderful residents and families for your kind words and ongoing support.